Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Princess Birthday Party

My little girl wanted a pink tea party with her friends.  I wasn't surprised.  She obsessed with pink and tea parties are a daily occurrence at my house.  As her little friends arrived we had them sit for a picture in their dress ups.  It was so fun and the kids did so well at acting the part.  This was my favorite session, mostly because I can't get over how beautiful my little Cinderella is.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Back to School

This girl is headed back to school.  I have to admit, every year at this time I get really excited when I realize that I don't have to go anywhere.  I paid my dues at a university.  No more really early mornings studying.  No more finals. I'd like to think that I'm continuing my education from home. It's called the internet :).  
I was grateful when my friend agreed to meet an take pictures of her daughter.  I really enjoyed taking pictures and editing them with her, and it helps that it's really easy to take pictures of her.  I've been jealous of her hair since I moved into the area.  Gorgeous.  

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Children's Portraits

I have a really awesome friend who I regularly drive an hour to see (She's that awesome).  I got to take pictures of her sons today.   It was really low pressure, just the way I like it.  We threw a sheet over the couch and opened up her back door.  I think they turned out pretty well.
Every once and a while I run into someone who just is so photogenic that they make magic with every click of my camera. This little boy does that, and I'm just a little jealous.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Beautiful Babies

I have a lot of pictures of these beautiful babies.  Their Mommy comes over regularly to take pictures. She's the one who has stuck with me through the worst and best times in my journey of photography. I love taking pictures of her brown eyed girls.
